
UPDATE : France : Protection Against Sexual Harassment

Overview:  With effect from January 1 2019,  a new law will require employers in France to take further steps to combat sexual harassment and sexist behaviour in their businesses.

Law change:  Companies will have new obligations to combat sexual harassment and sexist behaviour in the workplace. Companies employing more than 250 people must appoint a contact person responsible for leading the anti-sexist behaviour initiative in the business. Companies with a Social and Economic Committee must designate a point of contact in this field from among its members.  In addition, employers must place clear signs in the workplace and at hiring points explaining the civil and criminal consequences of sexual harassment together with the contact details of the competent authorities to whom breaches can be reported.

Action required:  Employers should become familiar with the new rules and develop and implement a compliance plan in good time for January 1st, 2019.

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