
SOUTH AFRICA: Annual Update – Expected Labour Law Changes in 2017

Paternity Leave

Proposal to introduce paternity leave:   New paternity leave rights via the Labour Laws Amendment Bill is being considered by the Portfolio Committee on Labour. The Bill has strong public support, including from COSATU, the largest federation of trade unions in South Africa. The Committee is yet to vote on the Bill.

Action required: None at present, but keep abreast of how this develops.

Unemployment Insurance Fund

Planned increase of unemployment insurance benefits:  The Unemployment Insurance Amendment Bill is currently awaiting assent by the President, after which it will become law. The Bill seeks to increase the maximum entitlement to unemployment insurance benefits from 235 days to 365.

Action required: None  at present, but keep abreast of how this develops.

Personal Data

New Protection of Personal Information:   For the first time in South Africa, a specific piece of legislation dealing exclusively with data protection will come into force. The implementation date is unknown, but it will be confirmed by the President in due course.

Action required: Review and understand the new rights and obligations; it is only a matter of time before the regime is operational.

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