
China – serious breaches of labour law will be made public

With effect from January 1, 2017, ‘serious’ breaches by employers of Chinese labour and social security laws will be made public.

Publicity measures will include publishing the breaches on the website of the applicable local labour authority and in the main local media. The breaches will also be placed on a social security credit system accessible to other governmental authorities.

Examples of major breaches would include: (a) failing to comply with social insurance obligations such as scheme enrolment or making social security payments; (b) breaches of rules on working hours, rest time or holidays; (c) defaulting on due salary payments; (d) breaches of rules on hiring child labour; and (e) breaches that have a serious negative impact on society generally.

It will be for the local labour authorities to decide what breaches count as ‘serious’.

Subject: Uncategorised