
SLOVENIA: Annual Update – Expected Labour Law Changes in 2017

Proposals to change the law

The Ministry of Labour has made the following proposals:

(1) To let employees and workers waive their right to monetary compensation as part of a mutual termination agreement.

(2) To abolish compulsory unemployment insurance for directors of limited liability companies with a single shareholder.

(3) To adopt a bill on the cross-border provision of services, which would impact the way EU employers post workers to provide services in Slovenia.

(4) To target “hidden employment relationships”, which are incorrectly labelled as civil agreements. In the event of a legal dispute about the existence of an employment relationship, the Labour Inspectorate will be able to order the business to offer the employee an employment agreement if it decides there is in reality an employment relationship.

Action required:  None at present but keep abreast of any legal developments.

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