

Core Facts

  • Population:  12M
  • GDP:  USD 8 billion
  • GDP per head:  USD 690
  • Unemployment (2017):  13.2%
  • Average high skilled monthly income (2017):  USD 442


The Rwandan Labour Code provides that employee representatives are elected in each enterprise with at least 10 employees.

Employers have the following obligations in relation to employee representatives:

  • Providing employees’ representatives with specified time (during working hours) per month for the execution of their duties as agreed upon through CBAs or a particular agreement with the institution’s management.
  • Putting at the disposal of employee representatives a place where they can conduct meetings in order to enable them to accomplish their duties.
  • Except for very sensitive business information, providing employee representatives with key company information such as annual balance sheets and profit and loss accounts and main company development plans in order to facilitate the execution of their duties.
  • Meeting with employee representatives at least once every quarter or, in the case of an emergency, any other time without delay .
  • Collectively meeting workers representatives and their alternates at least once a year.

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