
SLOVAKIA: Annual Update – Expected labour law changes in 2016

Minimum wage

Increase in minimum wage: From 1 January 2016, the new minimum monthly wage will be EUR 405, and the minimum hourly wage shall be EUR 2.328.
Action required:
(1) Employers will need to take the new rates into account when entering into new employment contracts.

(2) Current employees’ pay should be checked and amended if necessary.

Cross-border movement of employees

Obligations of employers in cross-border movement of employees: New rules are scheduled to come into force on June 18, 2016. The rules will apply to EU and EEA-based employers who send employees to Slovakia to work.
The employer will have to notify the Slovak Labour Inspectorate of the proposed work and provide certain information. The information must include the following (this list is not exhaustive): (a) the anticipated number of employees to be moved; (b) how long the work will be performed for, and the start and end dates; (c) the type of work to be performed; (d) the specific location where the work will be performed; and (e) contact details of an employer representative in Slovakia whom the Inspectorate can contact.
Action required: Employers who have plans to send employees to work in Slovakia after June 18, 2016 must become familiar with the rules and understand their notification obligations.

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