Anti-Bribery and Corruption

Anti-corruption compliance (ACC) has in recent years become a major issue for global companies. 

The US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK Bribery Act apply to US and UK based businesses wherever they operate and provide a global benchmark.

Furthermore, most jurisdictions have their own anti-corruption rules which can result in conflicts.  International companies must ensure that their staff know and comply with all relevant regimes.

We advise and support international companies on their global ACC issues. Our services include conducting multi-jurisdictional compliance projects covering:

  • risk assessments and investigations
  • policy reviews and updates
  • global policy harmonisation
  • compliance manual preparation
  • whistleblowing hotlines
  • compliance performance audits
  • preparation and delivery of staff training programmes in person and on-line
  • rolling legal update services
  • ad hoc country advice
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