Our clients are all international employers. They range from companies operating in 4 or 5 countries to those who operate in 40 or 50. Their headquarters are to be found in the US, the UK, the Middle East and the Far East. To most of them, the UK is just one of many international locations.

They operate in a number of sectors including IT, electronics, logistics, outsourcing, retail and financial services.
Our clients come with a range of business plans and operating models but they have much in common:
- they have to deal daily with a wide range of different labour and compliance laws and practices around the world
- they have no time to waste
- they want good, practical advice quickly
- they want value for money
- they want confidence, certainty and no surprises
Our service is built around what our clients have in common.
HR Directors and in-house counsel can face many challenges obtaining multi-jurisdictional labour and compliance law services:
- The internal management time taken to select, instruct and manage different law firms (or the various offices of a single global law firm) across many jurisdictions.
- The challenge of receiving different styles of advice for each jurisdiction. For instance, overly detailed and opaque advice, advice that lacks commercial realism, advice delivered in less than perfect English, advice that takes little interest in your key business objectives or advice that is happier saying “you can’t do that” than “this is how you can”.
- Managing different service levels across jurisdictions and juggling its impact on the client’s own work programmes.
- Understanding vague and poorly communicated charging structures and recognising poor value when it occurs.
- The challenge of having occasionally to change a local adviser.
By contrast, our role is to deliver:
- One point of contact
- One consistent style of service, aligned to client need
- One relationship
- Clear and commercially practical advice
Confidence, clarity and certainty across many jurisdictions.